Tuesday, January 1, 2013



 By Vicki Ellis Griffis

If you are reading this, you have survived the Mayan Apocalypse. I don’t want to brag or anything, but that was the tenth Apocalypse I have survived.

2012 is just a memory now. Wow, I have to say, it has been one of the craziest years I have ever lived through, from pink slime to politics (some would say a different kind of slime), to bad weather and gun tragedies. So much reality going on, I thought I would start 2013 on a lighter note, and share my top 25 things I have written, heard, or borrowed in 2012:   

1.     The difference in our grandmother's kitchen and our kitchens:

Our grandmothers put their pies on the windowsill to cool. We put our pies on the  windowsill to thaw.

2.     Stefani, I don't mind going to work. It's that eight-hour wait to go home that bugs me. And by the way, just remember, I don’t work on days that end with Y.

3.     Seriously, one day I am going to retire and live off my savings. What I am going to do the second day I have no idea!

4.     Speaking of savings, my bank lets me send a text message, and it'll text back with my balance. It's a cool feature, but I don’t think the LOL is necessary.

5.     When I wake up each morning, I want to be so full of Jesus that when a mosquito bites me, he goes away singing, "There is Power in the blood!”

6.     Am I the only one who watches their garage door close completely just in case a murderer rolls under there at the last minute?

7.     I think they should offer free bungee jumps for Congress, no strings attached.

8.     I've never been skydiving, but I have zoomed in on Google Earth really, really fast.

9.     I just bought another 8-pack of toilet paper. Well, that's another $10 down the toilet.

10.  A friend in our Sunday School Class asked Sammy, “What are you doing after church?”                
     Sammy replied, “I am doing what the little voices inside Vicki’s head tell me to do.”

11.  Everyone else can have runny noses, their eyes shut, or food in their teeth, but if I look skinny, it is a GREAT group photo.

12.  Most awkward moment – when I was checking in the window of the car parked beside me to see if my lipstick was smeared and realized there was someone inside.

13.  I went to the Kwik Chek this morning and asked for $5 worth of gas. The clerk burped and handed me a receipt.

14.  Dear Lord, please forgive me for the words I said in hunger!

15.  Every guy thinks a girl’s perfect dream is to meet the perfect guy. Psh! Every girl’s dream is to eat whatever they want and not get fat.

16.  How would you diagnose a woman who walks back and forth screaming at the top of her lungs one minute, then sits in a chair weeping uncontrollably the next? Manic depressive? No, she's probably a basketball coach!

17.  You can tell a lot from a woman’s hands. If they are around your neck, you have probably ticked her off.

18.  Marriage – betting someone half your stuff that they will love you forever.

19.  Whatever you do, always give 100% . . . unless you are donating blood.

20.  The Wizard of Oz is the ultimate chick-flick– two women trying to kill each other over shoes!

21.  Don’t get your knickers in a knot . . . it does not solve anything and makes you sit funny.

22.  I got gas yesterday for $1.79 – gotta love pinto beans.

23.  Sammy says if a man says he'll fix it; he will. There is no need to remind him every 6 months about it.

24.  It is important to have a twinkle in your wrinkles.

25. Life is short – smile while you still have teeth.

 As you head into 2013 like a bull in a China shop, take the time to remember the things that make you laugh till tears roll down your legs, and live life by the best lyrics I heard all year, written by Lee Brice:

 Go to work. Do your best. Don't outsmart your common sense. Never let your praying knees get lazy, and love like crazy!