Thursday, April 30, 2015

Fun at the Hunt County Fair

Thanks, Kiddos!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Jest the Two of Us - Birthed this baby!

In Jest the Two of Us, Sammy and Vicki Ellis Griffis share the funnies of their lives about their rural childhood, mischievous teens, and their opposites-attract marriage that everyone said would never last. 

They chronicle the adolescent adventures of their children and grandchildren who have endured their sometimes warped sense of humor with their heads held high and their therapists on speed dial. 

Their 6,000 mile road trip, “We’re Tripping,” where Vicki is soaring above the clouds while Sammy is along for the ride . . . only because he is married  . . will have you. . .well. . .tripping. 

You will be entertained by Vicki’s horrifying but hilariously funny account, “What, Me Worry?” a tale of the woe of a mother whose daughter has just asked to go on a date—all alone—with a boy—in a car. 

You will cringe with her husband and grandson as she admits her embarrassing, yet totally exhilarating addiction to yelling at referees in her award-winning short story, “I Can Quit Anytime I Want To.” 

“Elvis, You are a Friend of Mine,” Sammy’s humorous account of the similarities between him and Elvis such as, “He was tall and good-looking. . .I am tall and . . .well, I am tall,” will have you all shook up. 

In “PopPop Won’t Quit Singing,” Sammy telling the grandchildren, “If ya’ll don’t quit fighting, I will start singing songs, and I know a hundred of them,” will have you singing his praises. 

In Jest the Two of Us, you will find many other accounts, seasoned with humor and sprinkled with life, that will make you laugh, make you think, and yes, maybe even shed a tear or two.